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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Poop and Water

So this past week I have been trying to get Lawson adjusted to a new schedule. He was not really interested in taking two naps during the day so we have been working on dropping one and just taking a long one in the afternoon. We had a playgroup Monday at Gymboree so he got really good and tired. On the way home, he started to go to sleep but luckily it wasn't until we got into the neighborhood. I brought him in and changed his diaper. I decided to not put his jeans back on because I was afraid that would get him out of "nap mode".....BIG MISTAKE!!!! I put him down, with NO crying. And off to sleep he went!

About 2 1/2 hours later I heard him stirring. He wasn't crying so I went and made him a snack and then went into his room. The smell knocked me over. Then I noticed a diaper next to him....with poop in it. Upon further investigation, I realized he must have been dancing, stomping, and who knows what with the poop. I ran a bath because it was EVERYWHERE. We did a thorough cleaning in every nook and cranny, then got him dressed for the second time and then my second cleaning began. I had to take off the bumper, paci's, blanket, sheet and stuffed animal and straight to the wash. It was awful! I have heard that little boys will play in the diaper but I had never experienced so I felt lucky.

So as I am cleaning everything, I hear Lawson playing and laughing with the dog. So I thought "he is out of mischief".....think again! I walk in to the kitchen to find water ALL over the floor and my child sitting IN the dog's water bowl. So I cleaned the water off the kitchen floor and then took my child into his room for his third outfit change of the day.

Luckily, I was going out to dinner with a friend that night because after all of that....I needed some "mommy alone time"!

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