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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Spring Cleaning in January???

So this weekend...despite both Mitch and I feeling under the weather, we decided to clean out the attic (long overdue). We are fortunate enough to have a rather large attic that had turned into a place that we stuffed EVERYTHING. So after putting it off we finally got it done! We took Lawson to my mom's house so we could just concentrate on the task at hand. After one load of trash to the dump (*side note below) and one load of stuff to good will, our attic is cleaned out!!! What a relief!
We were finally able to put Lawson's newborn and 0-3month clothes upstairs in their bins and also made room for my maternity clothes. Everything has a place up there and hopefully we can keep it that way!
Oh and after one week, 4 support techs from Dell (all from India...really) and a good little penny....we have our computer fixed!! We had to start the computer all over again...losing all of my downloaded music and some other things..but fortunately we were able to put on a disk the most important things...Lawson's pictures!!
Next thing on our clean the house! Guess that will be my chore this week while Mitch is out bringing home the bacon :)

*so thanks to my neighbors kids I saw Wall-E this summer. Not that I am a enviornmentalist or anything but that movie is so true. I went to the dump (or landfill) and how depressing (and stinky). I kept thinking how all that land is just sitting there for our trash! Sad!

1 comment:

  1. Stumbled onto your blog. Next time you need a Spring Cleaning - call us!!

    Two Maids & A Mop of Birmingham
    (205) 940-2292
    Birmingham Cleaning Services
